General Guidelines


Before we talk about specifics, there are some points that must be stressed: 


Confidentiality. Confidentiality is a must in volunteering! This is especially true for Room Parents, who often are more likely to be aware of matters involving the students. Please do not discuss specific classroom situations, such as talking about a child who may misbehave or telling everyone about a teacher's bad day.  Please do not gossip. If you have a specific concern, please discuss it with your Room Parent Coordinator.


Form Letters: Form letters are available to help you communicate with your class throughout the year. These letters have been pre-approved by office personnel. We ask that you use the letters we provide to communicate with your classes when you can. Forms can be found on the PTSA website.


Other Correspondence:  Other than the forms, all correspondence from a Room Parent that is sent home in student folders must be pre-approved by the front office. You can contact your Room Parent Coordinator to arrange for approval.


Recruit others. Help new parents get involved! Not only will this make your job easier, but many parents want to be involved as well!


Have fun. Enjoy this time with your teacher, the children and the new friends you will make. This is sure to be a rewarding experience for you!