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Dear Community Members,

It takes a village to raise a child. Businesses play a vital role in our extended school community. Parents, friends and family members are presently employed in and/or shop with companies surrounding our campus. We recognize that fostering these relationships is an important function in improving our children’s educational opportunities and creating a more cohesive community.

Why support BMV PTSA? 

Most of our operating budget comes from PTSA fundraisers, however, that does not cover all of the experiences we seek to provide to Beachside Montessori Village (BMV) students. Therefore, we utilize our Sponsorship Program to offset the costs of delivering PTSA programs to our students and teachers.

How does it benefit our school? 

Participating in our Sponsorship Program comes with the benefit of earning exposure to the BMV community of families and parents. We are also always looking to strengthen our community partnerships and create a solid web of economic and social relationships. Your donation is also tax deductible!

Payment information

Payment may be made via check, made out to BMV PTSA or pay at our online PTSA Store. Any questions, contact the Sponsorship coordinator at
Email your banner artwork to for approval. Once your art work is approved and payment is received, your banner may be printed and delivered to the school: 2230 Lincoln St, Hollywood, FL 33020 ATTN: PTSA
***Fence banner Your 3 x 5 full color fence banner will be displayed on the fence, by the carpool lane. (If you would like to use one of our sponsors to print your banner, please let us know and we will put you in contact with them).